Sedgefield Primary School

  1. Design Technology

Design Technology

Our Design Technology Subject Leader is Mrs T Dodd

Our Design Technology Governors is Mrs J Hinde

At Sedgefield Primary School we offer children the chance to use creative thinking and design within a defined purpose with a tangible outcome. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in a process of designing and making. The skills that are developed in this subject can be transferred not only across the curriculum and thus aid learning, but are integral to our school ethos and promotion of our four learning powers; resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity.

As a school and in accordance with the National Curriculum’s expectations, we will ensure that all pupils:

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
  • Become proficient in the processes of research, design, build and evaluation.
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of Design and Technology
  • Know about great architects, inventors and designers, and understand the historical and cultural impact the development their designs have had.

Class teachers are usually responsible for teaching Design and Technology, although there will be times when professionals will be involved in the teaching of the topic. We take every opportunity to develop links with outside agencies and experts in order to enrich our Design and Technology provision.

We deliver learning in a variety of ways to ensure access for all of our children. Experiences vary from practical exploration to theoretical knowledge based around key skills in each year group. We ensure learning is progressive and pupils build upon previous knowledge and skills.


  • Our children enjoy the self-expression of creativity that they experience in Design and Technology.
  • They are always keen to learn new skills and work hard to perfect those shown to them.
  • We take every opportunity to display our work both in school and in our local community whenever possible. 

Please click below to access the long term plan for Design Technology:

 DT Long Term Plan

For more information about the DT curriculum, please contact Mrs Dodd via the school office 01740 620359,