Sedgefield Primary School

  1. Physical Education

Physical Education

Our PE Subject Leader is Mr S Eltringham

Our PE Governor is Mr S Reed-Patchett

We wish for our children to lead healthy and active lives, in accordance with the national guidance that all children aged 4-11 years must take part in 60 minutes vigorous exercise every day, 30 minutes being done within school hours. Through our diverse programme of lessons and extra-curricular clubs we aim to provide a platform that enables all children to enjoy the benefits of physical activity which will make them lifelong lovers of physical exercise. We feel that every child must have the opportunity to thrive and feel confident in PE lessons, knowing that their efforts are appreciated by all staff. The children are provided with high-quality coaching in games, dance, gymnastics, O&A, athletics and swimming. We aim to make every lesson beneficial not only to developing their physical fitness but also how to apply rules and tactics from sports to everyday situations.

The PE Long Term Plan allows for each strand of the PE curriculum to move through each year group building on the skills that have been learnt prior. We use the national core tasks as well as the local authority core tasks to allow coaches a critical and analytical framework to plan for every lesson. The overarching objective for each lesson is to ensure that all children are as active as possible to enhance their experience and to create lessons that will inspire the children to follow their passion by joining clubs outside of school. All lessons are focused on being practical with the theory entwined through practical activities. Depending on the strand of PE, the children often work in teams and partners where they can develop and enhance their communication and teamwork as well as build their resilience and ability to reflect on their learning.  

Every child in KS1 and KS2 are given 2 hours of high-quality coaching in lesson time as well as the option to join extra-curricular clubs. Years 3 and 4 have access to swimming lessons; Year 3 for 2 terms and Year 4 for a further term. If pupils have not met national standards, then they are invited back in Years 5 and 6 to reach the standards.

Throughout the year all children in KS1 and KS2 are invited to represent the school at sporting events which are non-competitive events. We also have the children attend competitive events throughout the year that enables them to apply the skills learned at inter-school competitions run through our local SSP. We have visits from professional athletes who deliver lessons and assemblies to give the children aspirations as to what PE can lead to.

Year 6 pupils attend annual visits to Robinwood. Here the children take part in various outdoor activities led by trained professionals. We often focus on teamwork and resilience, these being a whole school focus through our Building Learning Powers (Team Ant and Resilient Rhino).

We are very successful in our PE delivery as we plan sporting activities that cater for all children and their likes. We frequently attend competitions and festivals where our school has a competitive reputation. Over the years we have had many pupils represent our local School Sports Partnership and at county level athletics as well as achieving silver with the School Games Mark. Our sporting after school clubs are very well attended in both KS1 and KS2 as well as many pupils being involved in clubs that the school has strong links with.

Please click below to access the long term plan for PE:

PE Plan

We receive PE and Sports Premium funding.  Please click on the links below to find out how we spend this funding:

PE and Sports Premium 2021-22

PE and Sports Premium 2022-23

For more information about the PE curriculum, please contact Mr Eltringham via the school office 01740 620359,