School Lunch
Our delicious, balanced and nutritious school lunches are catered for by our fantastic catering team from Chartwells (North Eats). Their menus are carefully designed to meet all Government nutrition guidelines.
School lunches cost £2.50 per day for KS2 children and £3.00 for Nursery children (meals for Reception and KS1 children are currently free). Children will only be charged for meals that are taken. For example, when a child is absent they will not be charged for lunch that day.
If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meal entitlement (FSM), please speak to Mrs Stoutt or Miss Biglin in our school office for more information.
A copy of the current Chartwells menu can be obtained from the school office (a sample menu is below). Our flexible approach allows us to cater for children with food allergies or intolerances. Please inform us of any special dietary requirements as soon as possible.
If your child would like to change to or from school lunches, we require a minimum of two weeks notice. You can notify the school of your wish to change by speaking to Mrs Stoutt or Miss Biglin in the school office. Please click here to find the school Food Policy which includes the Packed Lunch Guidance.
This is the menu from November 2023 through to Spring 2024
Our Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day lunches are always very popular.