Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! We hope that you all had a fantastic summer with plenty of rest and relaxation, ready for the year ahead. We are delighted to welcome you and your child to Year 4 and are both looking forward to us having an enjoyable and hardworking year together.

From Monday morning until Wednesday lunchtime Mrs Gibson will teach Year 4. From Wednesday lunchtime onwards, Mrs Wearmouth will teach Year 4.

We’d like to take this opportunity to give you some information about what your child will be studying, what they will need for school and how you can help. Please see below for our Spring Term Newsletter.



Below, you will find a presentation 'Meet the Teacher'. This includes further information about Year 4 and our routines. 

Information on the Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4

Curriculum Expectations in Year 4

You can download a copy of the national end of year expectations for a Year 4 child. Please see the document below. 

Visit from County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

 We have had a visit from County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust where they have shown our Year 4 students what it is like in an operating theatre. After discussing the types of roles involved in an operating theatre, they explained the importance of clear, concise and precise communication. During the morning, the children had the opportunity to try several different activities associated with working in an operating theatre environment. We've had an amazing time and are very grateful for the group coming into school.  

Musical Instruments

Year 4 have designed and made musical instruments to finish off our science topic on ‘Sound’. They used the knowledge of sound to create an instrument where they could control the pitch of the sound. We were blown away by your design! A huge ‘Well done’ Year 4!

A great start to PE lessons

Year 4 made a fantastic start to PE lessons. They displayed fitness and enthusiasm during our warm-up games. 

Teesmouth Field Centre Trip

Year 4 had a fantastic day at Teesmouth learning about the journey of the River Tees, ending with a trip to North Gare beach to investigate coastal habitats.

Open afternoon in school 

During our open afternoon, parents, grandparents and carers helped the children to solve a mathematical puzzle involving pentominoes. It was lovely to see so many adults in school. Thank you to those that could make it. 

Sustainable Diets

 Pupils have been learning about a sustainable diet in Year 4. We had a visit from Meghan at

who explained more about how we could do this and why eating sustainably is really important. We also had the opportunity to make and try a hummus dip

First Aid training

Pupils in Year 4 have been learning about First Aid and what to do in an emergency situation. We talked about the importance of being able to give the correct details and location to a call handler. Finally, we had the opportunity to do CPR on a dummy and discussed where defibrillator units are found in the local area. 

Class Trip to The Museum of Archaeology in Durham

Year 4 visited the Museum of Archaeology in Durham to further our knowledge and understanding of the impact of the invasion of the Roman army on County Durham. Throughout the day, we examined artefacts, visited the museum gallery and took part in drama activities. Overall, it was a fabulous day trip and we all had lots of fun. 


Pupils in Year 4 have been working in pairs to create a gymnastics routine that incorporates balances and jumps. We will be moving onto rolls and linking movements later in the term.

Open Afternoon

During our open afternoon, parents, grandparents and careers helped the children to solve mathematical problems and puzzles. It was lovely to see so many adults in school. 

Conductors & Insulators

In science,  we set up an enquiry to identify and sort electrical conductors and insulators. 

Disability Sports Day

To celebrate 'Disability Sports Day', Year 4 took part in some 'New Age Kurling'. The pupils worked in teams, competing to see who could score the most points. Take a look at some of our curling superstars below!

Au cafe

As part of our French unit, Au cafe, we used role play to interview other pupils, asking them what they would like for breakfast. To finish off the unit, Madame Bats, very kindly brought ‘des biscottis’ into school for us to try (but the children first had to order in French, saying whether they’d like it with butter and/or jam). 

Year 4 Class Assembly

Year 4 performed a fantastic assembly in front of a large audience of pupils, parents and carers. They have had lots of fun learning about the Romans and  the Celts this term. They entertained the audience with a range of songs, drama, photos and videos. Well done Year 4! You made us all proud! We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos from the performance.

Ripple Effect Creative Workshop

The children have been undertaking 'Water tracker training' as part of a 'Ripple Effect Creative Workshop'. For this, we looked at the difference between using water, wasting water and saving water. During the afternoon, the children enjoyed lots of fun games and drama activities to learn more about 'The Water Cycle' and how we can save water. We were very impressed with their knowledge and performance skills. They were absolutely fantastic! Well done Year 4!  Photos and videos to follow :)

Sound Carousel

In Science we are learning about 'Sound'. We have been experimenting with different instruments to see how sounds are made. We have also tried lots of different activities which help to show that sounds are made due to an object vibrating. Our favourite was hitting a tuning fork against a desk and then placing it in the water. This caused much amusement among the class.

DB Primary

DB Primary is our school's brand new 'Primary Learning Cloud'. It is a safe area on the internet for pupils and members of our school community to share information and access a wide range of learning resources, anytime, anywhere and on any device connected to the internet. 

Practical benefits for pupils:

DB Primary will enable pupils to:

  • Access learning materials outside lesson time and from any location
  • Store work and notes online for use in homework and revision
  • Work at their own pace and with a wider choice of learning styles
  • Improve their ICT skills and online management
  • Participate in live discussions and forums with other students and teachers

 Practical benefits for parents & carers:

DB Primary will enable parents and carers to:

  • Support children with learning which takes place outside school
  • Access their child's personal home page to keep track of their work and the curriculum
  • Engage with wider school issues through online communication tools
  • Become active partners with the school

If you do not have a computer with internet access, please let your child’s teacher know. 

Please note that DB Primary does not filter the internet. You need to have your own internet firewall and parental controls set up.

 Log into DB Primary

You can find our school’s DB Primary login page on the school website, or via this address:

DB Primary- Parent Information Leaflet

DB Primary - A guide for parents

Spelling Overview for Autumn 1

Below, is a copy of our Spelling lists for the first 7 weeks of the Autumn term. Each week we will focus on a different spelling pattern. These will be rehearsed daily in class through investigations, games and puzzles. Please note we no longer carry out weekly spelling tests.



Homemade Wooden Snowmen

Year 4 have been very busy making their own wooden snowmen for our Christmas Market. We can’t get over how fabulous they look! Thank you once again to those who kindly donated wood for this project. 

More on Human Digestion 

In science we modelled each stage of the digestive system. This was definitely a favourite lesson so far.

Year 4 Class Assembly

Year 4 performed a fantastic assembly in front of a large audience of pupils, parents and carers.
They have had lots of fun learning about Mount Vesuvius and the city of Pompeii. They entertained the audience with lots of facts, drama and a catchy song. Well done Year 4! You made us all proud! We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos from the performance.

Escape Room Challenge

Pupils in Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Go Well PE Escape Room Challenge. They tried to solve a variety of team tasks before finally working together to open a safe. Great teamwork Year 4!

Our fabulous calendars

Year 4 showcasing their brilliant calendars. We hope you like them as much as we do.

Christmas Jumper Day

Human Digestion

In Year 4 we have started a new topic on ‘Human digestion’ in science. Today, the children worked in groups to create their own model of what they thought the digestive system looked like. Afterwards, they labelled the parts of the human digestive system.

 Teesmouth Field Centre Trip

Year 4 had a fantastic day at Teesmouth learning about the journey of the River Tees, ending with a trip to North Gare beach to investigate coastal habitats. 

Speak out. Stay safe Assembly

Year 4 have been watching a safeguarding assembly led by Buddy from the NSPCC called ‘Speak out. Stay safe’. This assembly reinforced key messages about abuse and neglect and that all children have the right to be safe. We discussed how we could get help and who we could talk to if needed.

Visiting Author

We have started studying a historical novel called 'The Magic Mobile' by Norma Neal. The book takes the reader on a time-travelling trip through the history of Sedgefield. To make it extra special, Norma introduced the book to the class and explained where she gained her inspiration for the story. 

Modern day parables

As part of our RE unit, pupils worked in small groups to create a modern day version of the parable, The Good Samaritan.’

Afterwards, we discussed the messages behind familiar parables. 

Exploring Viscosity

We have been exploring viscosity in science. In groups, we  set up a test to compare how long it took for liquids to flow down a ramp. The children were very surprised at how long some of the liquids took. We also found out more about density and created our own lava lamp. 

Science Eggsperiment 

Year 4 have been setting up a science experiment to find out which drink causes the most tooth decay. We placed a boiled egg in water, milk, orange juice and Coke and will be examining each one every day, noting down any differences in appearance. 


Our Calendars

Year 4 have been making a ‘Four Seasons Calendar’. We’re so pleased with their artwork. 

Christmas Yoga
Year 4 have enjoyed taking part in some Christmas yoga.

 Yoga and well-being.

Year 4 have been enjoying yoga and well-being sessions to aid relaxation and improve mental health. 

Quidditch Day

Year 4 had lots of fun during our Quidditch Day. Firstly, the class were spilt into the 4 Howarts houses: 

Gryffindor - red (fire)

Hufflepuff - yellow (earth)

Ravenclaw - blue (air)

Slytherin - green (water)

Next, they took part in games of Quidditch, Dodgeball, 'Jumping on broomsticks’ and 'Fly away.' It was a fantastic morning and I'm sure we'll remember it for a long time to come. 

Maths lessons

Our Maths lessons follow a 'Mastery' approach where there is an increased emphasis on children being able to explain how and why. In the summer term, all children in Year 4 are required to undertake a national assessment of their multiplication knowledge so continuous practise is essential. Further information can be found: