Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 6

Year 6

Autumn Term 2023

Year 6 have settled in well and are working hard.

Year 6 enjoyed creating blood as part of our science topic on the circulatory system.

Year 6 have used Scratch to create games that will sense movement.

WW1 Visitor

We enjoyed a visit from The Head of Steam Museum. We found out what some of their members of staff did during WW1.

Outdoor PE Activities

Year 6 enjoyed using the iPads to read QR codes which were hidden around the playground. Each QR code related to a different activity with a bean bag.

Brass Concert

Our brass players gave us a very spooky concert. We loved listening to their amazing playing. They worked together as a band.

Year 6 had an amazing time at Robinwood.

Please read our Autumn 1 half term letter here.

Our Autumn 2 half termly letter can be found here.

Find out about the Autumn term here.

Our Spring 1 half termly letter can be found here.

Find our Spring 2 letter here.

Find out about the Spring term here.

Our Summer Term 1 letter can be found here.

Please find our Summer 2 half termly letter here...

Find out about the Summer term here.