Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 2

 Y e a r  T w o

We try to do our best at all times, even when we find some things difficult.

Summer Term 2 


The children, Mr Eltringham and Mrs Dixon would like to welcome you to our class page.


Year 2 work hard in all our lessons. We aim to have fun whilst we are learning, be safe at all times and be happy to be in school.


The class page will be updated throughout the year to showcase all the great things that the children are busy learning. 


Please keep checking the page for any updates.

News Letter

Diary Dates

                          Spring Term

Monday 3rd June                          School reopens

Wednesday 12th June                  Year 2 Father’s Day Lunch

Monday 24th June                        Sports Week

Friday 28th June                           Sports Day

Friday 12th July                            Reserve Sports day

Tuesday 23rd July                          End of School Year

***I am still hoping to have a class trip arranged, I am just waiting on further details***

The Giraffe, and The Pelly and Me


Year 2 are reading The Giraffe, and The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.


We will enjoy this fun text to help us create non-fiction writing, as we use the internet to go fact-finding about the animals in the story.

Durham Castle


Year 2 have had a fantastic day learning all about what life was like living in a castle. They investigated the rooms of the castle and then put their knowledge into practice by building their own  cardboard castles and foam-brick walls. 

Mayor's Christmas Competition


Congratulations to Amber on being this year's Year 2 winner of her fabulously decorated Christmas house. All your classmates and teachers are very proud of you.


Great North Run 2023


In September, Mr Eltringham and Kate ran the Great North Run and Junior Great North Run, raising money for charity.


Year 2 started their first science Topic (Materials) by finding materials around the school and their everyday uses.



This term we are developing a range of sporting skills: agility, hand-eye coordination, throwing, catching, rolling and balance.

Maths Problem Solving

Year 2 have been adopting a trial and improvement method for solving problems with addition.

What material makes the

best umbrella?

Year 2 have been investigating which material would make the best umbrella? 

They planned and carried out a fair test to see which material would work best - they all found that plastic did not let any water in and that paper towels flooded their bear in a cup.