Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 2

 Y e a r  T w o

We try to do our best at all times, even when we find some things difficult.

Spring Term


The children, Mr Eltringham, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Rooks would like to welcome you to our class page.


Year 2 work hard in all our lessons. We aim to have fun whilst we are learning, be safe at all times and be happy to be in school.


The class page will be updated throughout the year to showcase all the great things that the children are busy learning. 


Please keep checking the page for any updates.

News Letter

Diary Dates

                          Spring Term


Monday 6th January                Spring Term Begins

Friday 10th January                 Autumn Reports to parents

Tuesday 21st January               Year 2 Assembly

Tuesday 11th February              Multiskills Class Trip

Thursday 13th February            PTFA Disco

Friday 21st February                 Last day of half term

Monday 3rd March                    School opens

Thursday 6th March                  World Book Day

Monday 10th March                   Parents' Evening

Wednesday 12th March             Parent's Evening

Friday 11th April                       Last day of term

Monday 28th April                      School opens


Our class text is currently Little Read Reading Hood by Lucy Rowland.

Wea re exploring a love of reading and how we can change and mix-up stories that we read in these books.

This is helping us with our sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. 


Contact Details

My email address is

Science - Animals, including humans

Year 2 are learning and looking at the changes that happen in animals, and humans, as they grow.


How have you changed since you were a baby?


This term we are developing our dance and movement skills by looking at how we move differently depending on our mood and using cats as an inspiration for different movement styles. 

Maths Problem Solving

Year 2 are developing their problem solving skills on a weekly basis. We have begun the year exploring place value problems.