Sedgefield Primary School

  1. Parents' Info
  2. Sedgefield Fun Club

Sedgefield Fun Club

Fun Club cares for children from 3 to 13 years old within its fabulous purpose built facility on the school yard.  Nursery, Reception and KS1 children are cared for downstairs and older children (KS2 and older) are accommodated in the more 'grown up' space upstairs.  It is open from 7.30am to 6.00pm, 51 weeks a year.  During term time children are dropped off at Fun Club from 7.30am.  They have breakfast and take part in fun activities and play with their friends until it is time for school.  Fun Club staff ensure the children are passed over to the care of the school staff and pass on any relevant information.  After school Fun Club staff collect the children from school staff; once again relevant information is passed on.  They then go to Fun Club where they have a light snack and a range of fun activities is on offer.  Alternatively, children can select games or toys and play their own games with their friends.  Fun Club and school works closely together to integrate the school's programme of extra-curricular activities with the wrap around care Fun Club offers. This means that children can attend a school run activity and then go to Fun Club.  During the holidays there is a programme of activities, visitors and visits, ensuring every day is fun-filled for the children.

Parents/carers can use some of their '30 hours free childcare' for Fun Club.  Alternatively, a range of childcare vouchers are also accepted.

If you would like to contact Fun Club to book a place or find out more information, their contact details are: 01740 623565,

For more information about the extra-curricular activities offered by school this term, please click here.

Ofsted 17th November 2022

Fun Club was inspected on 17th November.  The Inspector, Janet Fairhurst, was really impressed and could not even give one suggestion for something to improve!  Some highlights of the report are:

  • "Children thoroughly enjoy spending time at the club. Staff are particularly warm,
    kind and caring towards children."
  • "Children have fun after their day of learning at school and they are excited to
    attend the setting."
  • "Older children act as excellent role models to those younger than them. They are helpful, courteous and show positive behaviours. Younger children benefit from these interactions and develop a rich vocabulary and increased confidence as a result."
  • "The dedicated management team and staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities. They are committed to providing a safe and happy environment."
  • " Staff understand each child's individual needs, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They use this information to ensure that all children are content, happy and have fun during their time at the setting."
  • "Staff support children to manage their feelings. They spend time talking to children who have worries and concerns. They do this by skilfully allowing children time and space to process their thoughts and emotions. Children behave very well. They share their positive views on the club. They say that they are happy, and enjoy the creative activities and playing with their friends."
  • "Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the club. They say they know their children are kept safe. Parents comment strongly on the warmth and care that the staff provide to the children, and how they go 'above and beyond' to meet their needs. They say that their children enjoy attending and often do not want to go home at the end of the session. Staff work closely in partnership with the school that children attend, ensuring key information is shared."

 Click here to access the report.


Fun Club have a Facebook Page.  Please click Image result for facebook logo to find out their latest news.