Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 1

Year 1

We can work independently! We can work independently! We can work independently! We can work independently! We can work independently!

Welcome to Year 1!

                   Autumn Term                    


Spirals! The children started to draw spiral shapes on the school yard as part of their art lesson. 


We have been learning how to play the Glockenspiel.

 Ordering Numbers

We played a fun game on the yard to order numbers 0-30. Active Maths!


As part of our work on Christianity, we visited a local church. 


We made Christmas cards with moving mechanisms.

Science- The Human Body

The children learned the main parts of the human body and labelled their partner's body parts. 


Reading 'Where the Wild Things Are' in the outside classroom.

                    Spring Term                     

Little Wandle Reading and Phonics Meeting



 Important Information 

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter